DOL press releases and statements
A Report From Bishop Earl Boyea on the Clergy Sex Abuse Scandal
List of clergy with a credible allegation of sexual abuse of a minor
Clergy of the Diocese of Lansing currently without Public Faculties
Diocese Publishes Names of Priests Credibly Accused of Abusing Minors
Statement regarding indictment of Rev. Vincent DeLorenzo and Timothy Crowley
2.1.9 Appendix I-Principles Governing the Pastoral Care of Sexual Abuse Victims General Norms of Pastoral Conduct Maintenance of Records Related to Safe Environment
Diocese of Lansing Protocol for Extern Priests in Parish Ministry
Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct for Clergy (Including Bishops), Employees and Volunteers
Codigo De Conducta Para Cleros, Empleados, Y Voluntarios
USCCB statements and articles from other sources
English: The Catholic Bishop Abuse Reporting System
Spanish: El Sistema de Reporte de Abuso de los Obispos Católicos
Vietnamese: Hệ Thống Báo Cáo Lạm Dụng của Giám Mục Công Giáo
Victim Assistance Coordinator: Article from FAITH magazine