The Church Can Help You Find Answers to Difficult Questions
Please download the Pastoral Guidelines for Implementing Amoris Laetitia located on the right side of this webpage.
Retrouvaille retreats at St. Francis Retreat Center
Retrouvaille (French for Rediscover) offers tools needed to rediscover a loving marriage relationship. Thousands of couples headed for cold, unloving relationships or divorce have successfully overcome their marriage problems by attending the program.
Courage and Encourage
Courage is a spiritual support group helping Catholic men and women live in accordance with the Catholic Church’s teaching on same-sex attraction and/or behavior. Courage members strive to develop lives of interior chastity in union with Christ, through participation in the sacraments, prayer, fellowship and moral support. National website https://couragerc.org/
Preservation of marriage
Protecting and preserving the dignity and sanctity of marriage is the focus of a short film documentary by SaintMax Worldwide entitled "One Man, One Woman: Marriage and the Common Good."
Commissioned by the New Jersey Catholic Conference with funding from the national Knights of Columbus, "One Man, One Woman" is being used now as the grassroots struggle against same-sex marriage politicians, judges and other activists in California, Arizona, Florida, New York, New Jersey and elsewhere. The film features nationally-recognized social, legal and religious experts making compelling, common sense arguments against the redefinition of marriage.
Marriage: Unique for a Reason
Marriage: Unique for a Reason, an initiative of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops offers resources to assist with the education and catechesis of Catholics on why marriage is unique and why it should be promoted and protected as the union of one man and one woman. Each of the videos in this initiative, with its companion viewer’s guide and resource booklet, is intended as a catechetical and educational aid to be used as a resource by a priest, deacon, catechist or teacher. The videos provide a creative and artistic introductory step of catechesis. The video, viewer’s guide and resource booklet form an integrated whole and, as such, complete the proper context of the materials.
Click here: To access the resources.
Additional Resources for Parents and Individuals
Safe Haven Sunday
Tips and Digital Encouragement: Text Secure to 66866 and you will be automatically enrolled into seven days of emailed digital tips about iPhone restrictions, Google Safe Search, managing social media apps, and more.
Parish Resource for Safe Haven Sunday- Year One: Select this link: https://www.covenanteyes.com/resources/parish-resources-year-1/
Compass aims to anticipate the needs of Catholic parents, accompany them through the trials and joys of family life, and point them to faithful answers to life's difficult questions. It is an online catalog for parents and caregivers to find articles, books, videos, and other resources to help navigate difficult conversations, life stages, and challenges they face in raising children. In addition to the online catalog, the Compass team is working to develop in-person workshops for parents and caregivers to provide practical tips and support.
Please click the link below to explore Compass and discover the benefits it can provide for your family.