Friday, October 27, 2023
Friday of the Twenty-Ninth Week in Ordinary Time
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Welcome to the twentieth week of our year-long pilgrimage through the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. As with every fifth week, we will today pause On the Road to Emmaus to review where we have been, to take in the view and to inspire ourselves for the next stretch of our journey.
Hence, my challenge to you is to repeat one of the challenges we have already attempted to tackle over the past four weeks. I’d suggest you aim for the one that was most difficult for you. So, you can:
Read the Scripture readings closely this week at Sunday Mass, listen attentively to the homily and then draw out from that homily a challenge to be lived this week.
Or: Read or listen to the Pascal homily of John Chrysostom and prayerfully revel in the words of the great golden mouthed saint himself.
Or: Pray the Creed each day and then share with your household, or with a friend, what is most inspiring to you about all the wonderous truths contained within the Creed.
Or: Read through the Catechism of the Catholic Church’s section on the Eucharist and deepen your knowledge concerning what we believe about the Holy Eucharist and why.
Okay. Have you chosen one? Splendid. Good luck and God bless.
Now for some inspiration. I want to tell you a story. In late April of this year I received a letter from Father Tony Smela. He’s our chaplain at Powers Catholic High School in Flint. A fine young priest he is too.
In his letter, Father Smela explained that he had a senior student at Powers who wanted to become a Catholic. He asked that she be received into the Church prior to heading off to college. I was happy to give his request my blessing.
The student’s name? Makenzie Minge. And what had led her into the Church? A very powerful and very personal encounter with Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist during a school retreat last fall. Here’s Makenzie’s inspiring story. Enjoy the film!
Assuring you of my prayers, I am your sincerely in Christ,
+ Earl Boyea
Bishop of Lansing