Rev Patrick Egan, a Senior Priest of the Archdiocese of Westminster in London, England, currently residing in Washtenaw County, Michigan, has had his priestly faculties removed due to a credible allegation of inappropriate sexual behavior directed towards an adult male. For additional details, see here.
Priestly faculties are a set of permissions, granted by a diocesan bishop to a priest within that diocese, allowing the priest to publicly minister. Among those permissions are: presiding or concelebrating at Mass; hearing confessions; witnessing marriages; baptizing; anointing the sick and dying. Without those faculties, or permissions, a priest may not publicly minister.
If you, or anyone you know has been harmed by anyone representing the Church, contact appropriate law enforcement. You may also contact the Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator, Cheryl Williams-Hecksel, LMSW, by phone at 888-308-6252, or via e-mail to: vac@dioceseoflansing.org