Statement regarding the Reverend Gerald Ploof, November 6, 2023
In recent months, two allegations of clerical misconduct involving inappropriate relationships with adults were made against the Reverend Gerald Ploof, a retired priest of the Diocese of Lansing. While the allegations did not allege civil crimes, they were investigated as violations of the Diocesan Code of Conduct by an outside investigator and referred to the diocese’s Code of Conduct Advisory Council, who are charged by the Bishop of Lansing with reviewing such cases. The council has now found the allegations to be credible and thus, at their recommendation, Bishop Boyea has restricted Father Ploof from public ministry.
The Diocese of Lansing expects that all diocesan employees, clergy, and volunteers will exemplify the moral teachings of Jesus Christ and His Holy Church in their personal and professional life. See the Diocesan Code of Conduct. Anyone wishing to report misconduct may do so here.
If anyone has reason to suspect physical, sexual or emotional abuse of any person of any age, please contact Protective Services or the police, as appropriate. If abuse by anyone connected to the Church is suspected, please also contact our Victim Assistance Coordinator at (888) 308-6252 or email: vac@dioceseoflansing.org. Anyone reporting clergy abuse can do so directly to the Michigan Attorney General here or by calling the investigation hotline at 844-324-3374.