Today is the Feast of Saint Monica who is best known as the ever-hopeful, ever-tearful, ever-prayerful mother of Saint Augustine of Hippo during his youthful and wayward years in 4th century north Africa.
As well as being patron saint of parents with difficult children, Saint Monica is also the patron saint of people in difficult marriages as Richard Budd, Director of Marriage & Family for the Diocese of Lansing, now explains:
“Saint Monica’s intercession is often appealed to because of her legendary stamina in praying for her son, Augustine, who went on to become a great convert, a great bishop, a great saint and, indeed, a doctor of the Church,” writes Richard, August 27.
“However, in addition to having a troubled child, Saint Monica also had a troubled marriage to a man named Patricius. Through her patience, kindness, and fortitude, not only did her husband eventually convert and become baptized, but her mother-in-law was brought to faith in Christ as well.”
“If you find yourself in a difficult marriage, turn to Saint Monica for her intercession. In addition, check out a wonderful program called Retrouvaille. It is a lifeline for many marriages in difficulty. What’s more, you’ll have Saint Monica as a friend, for you and your spouse, along the way.”
• To find out more about Retrouvaille go to helpourmarriage.org