Here are some images, below, of Bishop Boyea’s visit to Saint Joseph in Saint Johns on Sunday as the parish school celebrated its centenary. Happy anniversary to all at Saint Joseph! Ad multos annos!
“The 100-year anniversary was very successful,” said school principal, Christopher Wells, January 29.
“We had a tremendous turn out of parishioners, past and present students and families and well-wishers. It was great to hear stories of the school's past from alumni and former staff members. Many accolades and positive remarks on our renovations of the school. It was a good day for our ‘Soaring Comets’ community at Saint Joseph!”
During his pastoral visit to Saint Joseph, Bishop Boyea offered Sunday Mass in the parish church with pastor, Father Michael Williams, concelebrating. After Mass, all adjourned to the school for a celebratory reception and open house. All present seemed to enjoy the occasion including the visual displays charting the school’s history over the past century.
“We give thanks to the many that have preceded us," added Principal Wells, "and we pray that we may continue what was established for us at Saint Joseph School; a standard of faith and excellence shining our beacon of light to our parish, community, and the world around us as we pray and live the truth that is Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Redeemer.”
It was on Monday, September 8, 1924 that Saint Joseph School first opened its doors to 70 students in grades 1-8. The school was run by Mother M. Inez and the Sisters of St. Joseph from Nazareth, Michigan. The school now has approximately 200 students K-6.
Over the decades, Saint Joseph has gained a reputation for academic excellence while in recent years the school has further enhanced its Catholic ethos by implementing a virtue-based praise and discipline system developed by the Ann Arbor-based Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist.
Meanwhile, the fabric of the building has also had an overhaul to coincide with this year’s centenary with the entire school front replaced along with the windows.