The Entrustment of Flint to Mary

Praise be Jesus Christ, now and forever!


It was great to see St. Mary's Church full, standing room only, for the dedication of our City of Flint to Mary, Mother of Flint. There is still much work to be done concerning the shrine and it will take time and effort to complete. I am sure some of you will be helping to make that entire area a place of aesthetic prayer and peace. I am deeply grateful to all those who helped to make our dedication successful.



What was truly inspiring to me was the presence of so many of our Flint parishioners! We are the Catholic Community of Flint and together we will renew our Church. The presence of Bishop Boyea was also very important. His seal of approval of our endeavors makes our devotion to Our Lady under the patronage title of Mary, Mother of Flint, a reality not only for Flint, but for the Diocese of Lansing.


We should never take for granted that we are one Church. It is a struggle to be one Church, but with the prayers and intercessory power that Mary, Mother of Flint holds for us, we will continue to grow in Grace. Our Lady gave us the person of Jesus Christ and continues her Mission. Now let us proceed with our Mission. May Mary Mother of Flint bless our endeavor in bringing Jesus Christ once again into our lives, our city. You are all in my prayers.


-Fr. Tom Firestone