Of your charity, please pray for the repose of the soul of the Reverend Monsignor Richard James Groshek who died yesterday, September 4, 2023. He was 86-years-old. May he rest in peace. The exequies for Monsignor Groshek are as follows:
Visitation on Thursday, September 7, from 1pm to 8pm at Saint John the Evangelist Church, 600 North Adelaide, Fenton, 48430, including a Scripture Service at 7pm.
Visitation on Friday, September 8, from 10am at Saint John the Evangelist Church, 600 North Adelaide, Fenton, 48430. Requiem Mass to follow at 11am with Bishop Boyea as principal celebrant.
Interment at New Calvary Catholic Cemetery, 4142 Flushing Road, Flint, 48504.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.
May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
* An obituary of Monsignor Groshek can be read here: https://www.swartzfuneralhomeinc.com/obituary/richard-groshek