Catholics Come Home

Catholics Come Home Television Ads Airing Dec. 6, 2017 - Jan. 7, 2018

To support our efforts to reach out to fallen-away Catholics – or the Lost Sheep – the Diocese of Lansing is employing the Catholics Come Home television advertising campaign. TV ads will begin to run in mid-December, just before Christmas, and will continue into the month of January. The purpose of the ads is to invite people to come home to the Catholic Church.

Click to view more Catholics Come Home Ads

Videos of CCH Training Sessions Available Online

Catholics Come Home is most effective when parishes are prepared to receive people who are motivated by the ads to visit a parish. The diocese recently held training sessions for parish ministry leaders to discuss best practices for receiving the Lost Sheep back into our congregations. Videos of the training are available to review or share with parish staff:

Introduction — Craig Pohl

Welcome — Bishop Boyea

Know Your Audience — Dr. Ryan Hanning, CCH's Director of Parish Leadership and Support

Evangelization Marketing Plan — Patrick O'Brien and Betsy Hicks

How to Prepare Your Parish for Catholic Come Home — Dr. Ryan Hanning

Wrap Up — Craig Pohl

More Resources for Catholics Come Home Campaign

Best Practices for Implementing CCH in Your Parish

Know Your Audience Demographics

2017 Advent Campaign Highlights