Facts on the Permanent Diaconate

There are approximately 18,500 permanent deacons in the United States

Approximately 80% (14,500) are active in ministry in the United States

Demographic Characteristics of Active Deacons

  • 93% are married. 4% are widowers, and 2% have never married
  • 94% are at least 50 years old.
    • 26% are in their 50’s
    • 43% are in their 60’s
    • 25% are 70 or older
  • 78% are non-Hispanic whites. 15% are Hispanic or Latino.
  • 3% are African American
  • 3% are Asian

60% have at least a college degree. ~10% have a graduate degree in a field related to religion or ministry.

78% of dioceses have plan for the placement and ministry of deacons.

Formation Programs

88% of diocese have an active formation program

If not, 61% plan on establishing one within the next two years.